2020 Golf Outing Update

New/Updated information has been added to the Golf Outing! View the details here.

I’d like to introduce all of you to Mason Garvey.  Mason depicts everything Joey’s Journey Foundation was formed to support.  JJF is donating half of the golf outing proceeds to Mason’s family. This is his story…

The Garvey family of four was going about their normal everyday lives when in July of 2018 life took a drastic turn.

Mason, 7 Bargersville, IN Fighter

Mason was having some pain not natural for a 7-year-old and trouble sitting.  After doctor’s appointments and scans, Mason was first diagnosed in August of 2018 at age 7 with Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma. He has gone through an initial 43 weeks of chemo and 33 days of radiation.  Mason has been a rock-star through his battle for 43 weeks, coming out on top and ringing that bell on in June of 2019.  Mason also had more radiation to a spot on his lungs after treatment, finishing that up in August of 2019…only to ‘relapse’ 5 weeks later.  His cancer was back (it may have never actually ‘left’ but just ‘hid’) and returned this time to be more aggressive.  After more testing it was found that Mason’s form of cells would most likely respond to treatment but they would always return when treatment ended.  After visits to MD Anderson, Seattle Children’s hospital, multiple treatments of varying types, a genomics study and a clinical trial, Mason’s family is in the difficult situation of figuring out what is next. 

*Update on Mason…the week of June 15th, dear Mason was put on hospice. We will still be honoring Mason’s family at our outing with 50% of our proceeds. The ugliest side of pediatric cancer cannot be ignored.

Mason has been a trooper through all of this, continuing his schooling, playing sports, and being as upbeat as a little boy can be in this situation.  

EVERYDAY in the United States 43 children aged 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer.  No parent is ever prepared to hear, ingest, and mourn those words “Your child has cancer”.

To read more about Mason’s journey of faith, positivity, hope and need visit:


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