Mighty Mason

an update on Mason…

So, this whole golf outing came about when John took part in an outing last year that gave half of it’s proceeds to our nephew’s family (TeamIsenhour). It was a great outing with tons of people coming together to support great causes. Supporting a local family was icing on the cake. It was a community coming together to get behind something that some know so little about (childhood cancer, I wish the first-hand knowledge upon no one).

Now, here we are getting ready to hold our first outing – deciding on a family to donate to, rallying together to raise awareness, to raise money, to build our foundation’s name into something bigger. We want to GIVE. We want to be a blessing to as many families ‘fighting’ childhood illness as we can. We want to give hope, create a smile, if only for a brief minute. We talked with our family and decided we felt such a distinct pull to the Garvey family (Mighty Mason). I contacted Mason’s family and they said they would be honored if we were to support them at our outing. Then the world flipped again (this happens too much in the world of childhood cancer). Mason started slipping away. His 9-year-old body had just been through too much…and science couldn’t stop the cancer.

Here is the MISSION of Joey’s Journey Foundation:

“Joey’s Journey Foundation was created to enrich the lives of children walking the rocky path of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Our mission is simple. With donations, Joey’s Journey will grant wishes, raise awareness and fund research to help families fighting pediatric cancer.”pediatric cancer, 

You know what? We flubbed. Some kids won’t continue to walk that road. Some will grow wings and fly, leaving their families to continue to walk that rocky path. We support those families too.

Our Inaugural Joey’s Journey Foundation Charity Golf Outing will continue to donate half of our proceeds to the Garvey family. In Memory and Honor of that MIGHTY Mason who is now flying over that path as his family still walks.

We support all the families, those with fighters, survivors, and the families of those whose fighters are now soaring in the heavens above.


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